Pilotpicture.com 2.0 finaly online

It took a while but finaly it is made - Pilotpicture.com 2.0 is done!!!
As you can see, the design has completly changed and besides the well known Picture-Section you now can also find a blog and a community-board.

It took a while but finally it is done – pilotpicture 2.0 is online!!!

As you can see, there was a huge changeover on the design and additionally to the picture-Section you now can find a blog and a discussion-board.
In the picture-sesction all remains the same – everyone is invited to register and to upload own great pictures. The new thing is the graphical appearance and the simple opportunity to order pictures on paper.
Also the blog, where experiences, reports and opinions around aviation will be shown is brandnew.
Everybody is very welcome, to write something about the subject aviation. Simply write an email to blog@pilotpicture.com and after a short verification your blog will be published.

Every User, who logs on into the picturesection, is automatically also loged on in the board. Here you can discuss and ask questions with/to pilots an aviation-enthusiasts.
The blogarticles will be translated as soon as possible to the english language, so we ask for your understanding, if it takes a while. :-)

We hope you like the new Pilotpicture-Page in the same way we do and we looking forward to your future visits.

Your Pilotpicture.com crew


Sie lesen gerade “Pilotpicture.com 2.0 finaly online”, geschrieben von tomso.
Am 6:43 um 6:43 Uhr

Kategorie Intern

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